Monday, 27 November 2017
Black Friday might be over, but Cyber Monday still promises a huge amount of discounts !
Hair fat packs are half off at Adoness, up until tomorrow, plus, they came out with a GORGEOUS new hairstyle, and, if you have not guessed it yet, yes, yes, it is the one I am wearing in the photo ! *grins*
Worn with Catwa Catya head
adoness : lykopis : red @ Tannenbaum - I am totally inlove with this edgy new hair ❤❤❤
The snowflakes are optional, and they do have a color change hud included as well.
And, as for all the Adoness hairs, they come with several shades of red included, plus a tint hud, so you can get it the perfect color for your liking !
Since this is a shaved style, paired up with the braided mesh *booN cornrows hairbase, which you can find here, as for the hairbase applier part, used the Just Magnetized - Basic Hairbase - set 10 for CATWA, which you can scoop up here !
7 Deadly s[K]ins - Savory (Snow tone from the light pack) @ 7 Deadly s{K}ins - The light pack includes a total of 6 tones, and each comes with omega body applier too !
^^Swallow^^ Darkness Ears @ Swallow - Highly customisable via hud, several skin tones, tint option, metal and gemstone change, and plenty of tattoo options, so you can match it to whatever look you wish to use it for !
Eyes makeup/tats :
-SU!- Lioba Eye Makeup "Ink" @ Suicidal Unborn - Last day of discounts, HURRY ! I know I've bought out pretty much the entire store last night, now it's your turn *grins* Half off on all single packs, and 30% off on fat packs, you do not want to miss this !
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Calm before
Soooo many Black Friday sales and events going on around SL, I just needed a moment of quiet before the madness !
Like, Beauty of Darkness , for example ! Half off on EVERYTHING starting November 24th up until the 28th , and the Annual Black Friday Sale at 7 Deadly s{K}ins starting on the 24th up to the 26th of this month !
Or, the mega discounts at Angelic Designs, up to 90% off on select items, which include not just dining tables, but brand new releases too ! (Sale starts November 23rd and lasts up to the 29th)
Not to mention, Adoness is having a HALF OFF on all fatpacks ,up until Monday ! *Screamsssss*
Worn with Maitreya body / Catwa Catya head
7 Deadly s[K]ins - SOYA (Sand tone) @ The Chapter Four - Available at this event in many gorgeous tones, omega applier compatible !
7 Deadly s[K]ins - OMEGA lipstick JUICY Strawberry @ Designer Showcase - Location TBA - You will have to wait for these delicious lipsticks until December 5th, but, absolutely will worth the wait !
adoness : asgardis : red @ Adoness - This was the very first hair I discovered from this store, still in top of my all time favorites ! ❤
:[P]:- June Fauxe Makeups:// Smog/Smoke @ Plastik
AG. Devilish Gacha - Eyes - Ectoplasm (A) #07 @ Avi-Glam
ANNONA Sweater - Black @ Autumn Frost Fair 2017 - This is part of a full outfit, named {Get Frocked} ANNONA Outfit - Black, available now at the fair ! For more goodies, you can always pop over to their MainStore too !
For full outfit view,including promo picture as well at the end of the blog !
-BOD- Follow Me @ Beauty of Darkness - Absolutely loving these, just the right amount mix of sexy and creepy !
::GB:: Punk Chain choker @ Gabriel
[AD] [Galadriel] Standing Mirror
[AD] [Sweet Sin] Loveseat (Wrath)
Couch and mirror used are both from .::[Angelic Designs]::.
Please note, the reflections in the mirror were edited in !
For full view, will include promo pics below as well !

7 Deadly s[K]ins,
Angelic Designs,
Autumn Frost Fair 2017,
Beauty of Darkness,
Black Friday,
Get Frocked,
Second Life,
The Chapter Four
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
Sometimes after a massive shopping trip, all you need is a nap, to recharge, and then, shop some more ! And with all the events and sales going on around a grid, you'll have plenty left to check out even a third, and fourth day !
Worn with Maitreya mesh body/Catwa Catya head
7 Deadly s[K]ins - Madelon (Sand tone) @ Sad November - Available at the event until November the 22nd, in many delicious tones, each including omega appliers for face and body alike.
Or, you can check out 7 Deadly s[K]ins main location, for even more awesomeness !
For a clear view of the facial features, and more info, you will find the promo poster at the bottom of the blog !
{Limerence} Kiara hair-Reds @ Hairology - Cute!!!! Especially love the V shaped bangs ❤ This immediately became my favorite hair from Limerence !
:[P]:- Makeup Applier HUD:// Murmur @ Plastik
Opulein - Matte Lipstick Gacha FATPACK for CATWA RARE @ Opulein
TAOX TaTToo Appliers Only Karma Last Kiss @ Sad November - Gorgeous full body tat from Taox that I just HAD to have !
[[ Masoom ]] Naomi Top Lara @ Masoom - I've been pretty much scooping up left and right all kinds of goodies from this store at different events, and this seductive crop top is one of them.
Fitted for mesh bodies, and available in several colors, go get yours now !
-SU!- Little Secrets Panty @ Suicidal Unborn - Groupgift - All time favorite panties, does have other text options included as well, but yeah, this one is allllll mine *grins*
Kibitz - Night Hallow rings - maitreya bento - onyx @ Kibitz - Yep, over a week and I still couldn't get myself to take off these rings !
Lip piercing:
BLAXIUM -Nera Piercings- Catwa CATYA Bento @ Darkness Monthly
Bauhaus Movement - (Screa-ming) Harder-Faster-Better-Louder 11 @ Liaison Collaborative - Brand new set of animations from Bauhaus Movement , which you can buy as singles or fatpack, quite possibly my favorite set from them so far !
Promo poster of the 7 Deadly s[K]ins - Madelon ❤
7 Deadly s[K]ins,
Bauhaus Movement,
Darkness Monthly,
Liaison Collaborative,
Sad November,
Second Life,
Suicidal Unborn,
Monday, 6 November 2017
Thinking of You
Halloween might have past, but worry not, I am still here to sprinkle some dark magic into your lives !
Worn with Maitreya mesh body / Catwa Catya head
7 Deadly s[K]ins - TYNA cashew @ anyBody - Another set of wonderful skins from 7 Deadly s[K]ins, available in a total of 14 tones at the current round (Until November 21st)
adoness : thalassa : red @ Adoness - One of my very favorites from this store ❤ Includes several shades of red, plus an extra tint hud as well !
.:Soul:. Draglien Eyes - Teal @ Soul - From the gorgeous line of Draglien eyes, includes both mesh eyes and appliers.
~Shiny Stuffs~CATWA Smokem if ya gottem @ Shiny Stuffs - A full set of makeup for Catwa heads, packed with eyeshadows,lipsticks and even lashes!
For the lipstick, used the blend option from the Catwa master hud, reducing intensity by about 65%
{ Speakeasy } Gasoline @ Speakeasy
And, of course, you get a closeup too, for better view of face details !
{Get Frocked} CERYS Sweater Dress - BLACK @ Darkness Monthly - A cute gothy dress from Get Frocked, just in time for the chilly weather ! And let me tell you, this outfit may be business in the front but it is totally party in the back, as it has a deep plunging neckline, leaving half of your back exposed to admiring eyes *grins* Scroll down for a full front and back view on their promo picture !
-BOD- To Hell Stockings @ Beauty of Darkness - Possibly one of their oldest sets, yet, still totally love it ! The omega appliers worked great with my Maitreya body, plus, looks perfect even in mask mode, allowing easily to wear tats with it as well,without the risk of any alpha clash !
Phedora ~ Spectra heels @ Phedora - Includes a total of 28 gorgeous color options, plus, can be worn with or without the ankle wrap ! (Please note, Phedora is currently under remodeling, at the time being, the slurl above will take you to their temporary location)
Kibitz - Night Hallow rings - maitreya bento - onyx @ Kibitz - Absolutely totally love these rings ❤ Go get them now, you won't regret it !
Lip piercing:
BLAXIUM -Nera Piercings- Catwa CATYA Bento @ Darkness Monthly - Fitted for a total of 10 mesh heads, to be purchased separate. Texture menu included.
[Ds] The Dragon Throne - Single Sitter @ Dictatorshop - On request, a single sitter version is now available of the stunning Dragon Throne, but of course, if you prefer the kinky version, you can hop right over to their store and pick that up as well ! Includes 20 color options for the cushioning, and 6 wood options for the framing. You can check out the full palette at the end of the blog !
+Half-Deer+ Magical Curiosities - Two-Headed Cat - Lay (Onyx) @ +Half-Deer+
(The voodoo doll I just tossed together for this photo, no link, sorry ! )
Bauhaus Movement - Into the Deep Immerse Yourself 39 @ Bauhaus Movement
7 Deadly s[K]ins - TYNA ❤
{Get Frocked} CERYS Sweater Dress ❤
[Ds] The Dragon Throne - Single Sitter ❤
-BOD- To Hell Stockings ❤
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